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Factorio’s player count is through the roof after the Space Age expansion, ripping thousands of engineers away from their day jobs

Factorio’s player count is through the roof after the Space Age expansion, ripping thousands of engineers away from their day jobs
Categories Video Game Reviews

Factorio’s player count is through the roof after the Space Age expansion, ripping thousands of engineers away from their day jobs

Factorio’s Space Age expansion went live yesterday, and it managed to set a new all-time player count peak for the game, with 91,801 players flooding back in to check out the expansion.

The Space Age expansion more than doubles the size of the original game, and continues the player’s journey after they launch rockets into space. You can discover new worlds which you can exploit for resources, and manage your fleet of interplanetary space ships. You’ll also have to build airtight defenses to shoot down incoming asteroids that could destroy your platform, use the rubble to harvest thruster fuel and turret ammunition, and finally use the platform hub and cargo bays to shuttle freight between planets. But you can check out the trailer to see what sick-looking planetary adventures lie ahead of you.

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